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Friday 10 January 2014

Network To[ology

There are many ways in which computer can be connected together in a computer network.The ways in which nodes are connected in a network is called network topology.Shortly the term network topology refers to the physical layout  or shape of the network.
1-Bus topology
2-star topology
3-Ring topology
4-tree topology
5-Mesh topology

Network Models

A network model represents the architecture of computer network.The most popular network models are described below.
1-Client-Server Model
2-peer-to-peer Model
1-Client- Server Model
A network architecture in which one or more computer act as servers and other computer acts client computer is called Client server model
2-Peer-to-peer Model
A network architecture in which all computer on the network have equal status and no ons has control over others is called peer-to-peer model

Brief history of the Internet

The work to develop a communication system was in 1960 during the cold war between the USA and Russia.In 1957, Russia launched Sputnik, the first artificial earth respons. to the launching of Sputnik the American established the advance to develop a communication system.
In 1969 ARPA established a small computer network.During 1970 s and 1980 several universities & research organization development their own computer network.Similarly many other network for military use were developed.


The words Internet stands for International Network.Internet is the largest computer network in the world. The information  can be sent and received through internet all over the world.Actually internet is the network of many computer networks around the world.It consists of millions of private, public, academic, business,and government networks.The communication protocol used for Internet is TCP/IP.
The Internet connects millions of computers.These computer are linked through different communication media.The commonly used communication media are telephone lines, fiber optic cables,microwave and satellite.
A large number of books, newspapers,magazines,encyclopedia,and other types of materials are available in electronic form on the internet.We can find information about almost any thing of the world.We can access latest information or news on any topic

Communication Media

A path through which data is transmitted from one place to anther is known as communication media.It is also known as communication channel.The twisted pair cable,fiber optic cable,microwave,satellite etc
Type of Communication Media
1.Guided Media
2.Unguided Media
1-Guided Media 
The types of communication media in which communication  devices are directly linked with each other is called communication media.
Twisted pair wire
Coaxial cable
Fiber optic cable
2-Unguided Media
The types of communication media in which communicatuon devices sends and receives data singnal through air is called unguided media
Communication Satellite
Mobile communication


A set of instruction given to the computer to perform the particular task , is called software,Software is also called computer program.
Software tells the computer what to do and how to do.A computer performs different operation according to the instruction of software.Software is development in computer programming language.
Types of Software
1.System Software
2.Application Software

1-System Software
A program or set of program that is especially designed to control different operations of components system is called system  software

2-Application Software
A program or set of program that are especially designed to solve the specific problems of users are called application software.
Categories of Application Software
1.Custom-Built software
2.Packaged software

Computer Hardware

The physical components of a computer are called hardware.You can touch ,see and feel hardware.The input/output devices such as keyboard,mouse,printer,monitor,keyboard,printer,LCD and etc,CPU ,memory unit etc,are examples of hardware.
Hardware Devices
Primary Hardware components
1.Input devices
3.Memory unit
4.Output devices
5.Secondary storage devices
Hardware Devices
Input Devices                            Keyboard,Mouse,Microphone etc.
Output Devices                         Monitor,Printer,Speaker etc.
Main Memory                           Ram and Rom
Secondary Memory                   Hard disk,USB Driver,Floppy Disk and etc.
Inter-connectors                        Cable,Ports,Buses etc.
Network Devices                      Modem,Bridge,Router etc.

Thursday 9 January 2014

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Wednesday 8 January 2014

Kohinoor Diamond

Weight                                             105 carats
color                                                 finest white
country of origin                                Pakistan
Min of origin                                      Golconda
Current owner                                    British monarchy
This disappoint in the appearance of the ston shared by many.In 1852, under the personal supervision of victoria consort,Prince Albert and the technical direction of James tennant,the diamond was cut from 1861/16 carats to its current 105.62 carats, to increase its brilliance.Albert consulted widely took enormous pains and spent some on the operation, which reduced the weight of the ston by the huge 45%but nevertheless Albert was still dissatisfied with the resukt.The ston was mounted in a tiara with more than two thousand other diamonds

C language structure

C language ;
The structure of c language.This structure is used to write a program.The computer program write in this structure.After writing the program the structure can compile.after compile the program this is execute


What is Chemistry?

Chemistry plays an important part in all of the other natural sciences,basic and applied.Plant growth and ,the formation of igneous rocks, the role played by ozone in the atmosphere, the properties of lunar soil.Chemistry is the part of our body.It is easy our life.A sample of matter can be either a pure substance or a mixture.A pure substance has a fixed,characteristic composition an fixed , define set of properties.Pure substance are of example copper, salt,diamond,water .oxygen,mercury ,vitamin c and ozone.A pure substance may be a single element,such as copper or oxygen or a compound of  tow or more elements in fixed ratio,such as salt tab sugar,
A mixture is a collection of pure substance simply mixed composition is variable,as are its properties Examples of mixtures are milk,wood ,concrete.saltwater,air,granite,air,motor oil, chocolate and elephants.


The science of the composition, structure,and reaction of matter,especially of atoms and molecules systems.
The composition ,structure ,properties,and reaction of a substance.The elements of a complex entity and their dynamic interrelation.Now that they had a restless chemistry.Mutual attraction or sympathy.
This is  called a chemistry.


The science of nature,or of natural object that branch which treats of the laws and porperties of matter,and the forces acting on it that determine of nature of science  this is called a physics
there are many type of physics

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Computer science

A computer is an electronic machine.It can be program to accept data process data into useful information and store it for later use
A set of instruction giver to the computer to perform a particular task is known a computer program a software.
The physical components of a computer are called hardware.You can touch see and fell hardware.

Insurance Policy

In insurance, the insurance policy is a contract between the insurer and the insured, known as the policyholder,which determines the claims which the insurer is legally required to pay.In exchange for an initial payment known as the premium,the insurer promises to pay for loss caused by perils covered under the policy language.Insurance contract are designed to meet specific needs and thus have feature not found in many other types of contract.Since insurance policies are standard  feature boilerplate language which is similar across a wide variety of different   type of insurance policies.
The insurance policy is generally an integrated contract meaning that it include all forms associated with the agreement between the insurance.
(1)The act,business, or system of insuring.
(2)The state of being insured.
(3)A means of being insured.
a. Coverage by a contract binding a party to indemnify another against loss in return for premiums paid.
b.The sum or rate for which such a contract insures something.
c.The periodic premium paid for this coverage.

1.a plan or course of action as of a government, political party,or business, intended to influence and determine decisions,actions,and other matters:American foreign the company's personnel policy.
a.A course of action,guiding principle,or procedure considered expedient, prudent,or advantageous:Honesty is the best policy.
b.Prudence,shrewdness,or sagacity in practical matters.

Friday 3 January 2014

Great man Hazrat Ali (RA)

In the battle of Ohad, Hazrat Ali(RA) came across his worst encounter, Talha got injured and fell down.Hazrat Ali (RA) left him like that and walked away. A friend advised Hazrat Ali to finish him.But Hazrat ali refused to do so and said, "I cannot strike the man who is not in position to defend himself.If he  survives he is welcome to live as long as his life lasts."
On  another occasion Hazrat Ali(RA) allowed his enemies to his officers objected to it, he said, "They are human beings first and enemies later.I cannot think of refusing a man food and drink because he is my enemy.I fight for truth and justice and not for my personal motives." 
Throughout his llife he availed himself of every opportunity to serve human being without any prejudice

Thursday 2 January 2014

The Blessing Of God

  1. All things bight and beautiful,
  2. All creatures great and small,
  3. All things wise and wonderful
  4. The great God made them all.
  5.  Each little flower that open,
  6. Each little bird that sings,
  7. he made their gowing colour,
  8. he made tiny wings.
  9. The purple-headed mountain,
  10. The river running by,
  11. The sunset and the morning
  12. That brightens up the sky.
  13. The cloud wind in the winter,
  14. The pleasant summer sun,
  15. The rip fruit in the garden,
  16. He made them every one.
  17. The tall trees in the greenwood
  18. The meadows where we play,
  19. The rushes by the waster,
  20. We gather every day 

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) as an Educatiom

The first revolution of Allah Almighty received in the cave of Hira  the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was:  
"Read in the of thy Lord, Who created. He created man from a clot of blood.Read! and thy lord, is most bounteous who taught by the pen."

Justice of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)

Once a woman named Fatima of  Banu Makhzoom was arrested.She had committeda theft.Bnue Makhzoom wanted to save the woman from punishment.They knew that the offence was unpardonable .They decided to send Hazrat Usman bin Zaid (RA) to the holy prophet(S.A.W).The holy Prophet (s.a.w) had a deep ove for Hazrat usman (RA) .Hazrat Usman RA) requested the holy Prophet (s.a.w) to forgive the woman.
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) showed resentment at this request.He (S.A.W) told Hazrat Uaman (RA) that it was the custom of some old nations to punish a weak person and to absolve a strong one. He (S.A.W) was there to do justice.Moreover He (S.A.W) said that enven if Hazrat Fatima (RA) his belover daughter, had committed the same cirme, he would have punished her th same way. Hazrat Usman (RA) could not win favour for the woman .This incident shows that the holy Prophet (S.A.W) could never think of any injustice to anybody.